The Energy Equation

The Energy Equation

Several months ago I wrote an article about Managing The Risks of paragliding, which spurred a lot of great conversations and comments. Reflecting on that article, one of the items I mentioned was to make sure we understand which side of the energy equation...
Managing the Risks

Managing the Risks

The other day I found myself on yet another airplane crossing yet another section of the western skies. A younger middle aged man was sitting next to me making small talk, asking the same common questions regarding destinations, home, reasons for traveling, etc....
Life in Color

Life in Color

As autumn comes to an abrupt end, and the snow begins to fall, it is a good time to reflect.  Life can often be very mundane; the same schedule day in and day out.  At times it has felt like my life is filled with only the drab, the relentless grind, the...
Desert High

Desert High

It is amazing what can happen in just 24 hours.  Especially within the realm of paragliding.  If your lucky you can bag one good, solid mountain flight within that timeframe, but five?  Yeah, our short excursion to central Utah this weekend yielded just...
Alaska Clarity

Alaska Clarity

Top of the glacier now in uncomfortable silence trying to figure out how to fly up, out and over the ocean to those mountains in the distance. It has been a few months since I first walked off that plane into the rain filled skies of Alaska.  My bulky pack full...
The Alaska Project

The Alaska Project

Fourteen years ago today my wife and I were twenty something days into a very long voyage through the upper reaches of North America. We were living strictly out of our truck at the time pushing as deep into wild country as we could. Far from hotels, restaurants or...