Chasing Transitions

Chasing Transitions

I am sitting here just below the ocean cliffs of Santa Barbara watching the sun dip beyond the horizon. As nature photographers we sure spend a lot of time chasing that magic light. It is just what we do. When I was first exposed to these magical moments in nature...
Can a Phone Replace a DSLR?

Can a Phone Replace a DSLR?

Cameras on mobile phones these days are amazing! I think we all know that by now. They go everywhere with us, and fit in the convenience of our pockets. I personally love having a great camera with me everywhere I go and it has become an invaluable tool in capturing...
Creative Paralysis

Creative Paralysis

There is this conversation that takes place inside my head nearly every day. One that nudges me towards some kind of creative action. Whether it be to film, travel, write, share, or create a photograph. And every day, it often ends the same way, with a list of...
Over Clouds and Stone

Over Clouds and Stone

I feel the wind on my face turn into a deeper shade of cold as I am engulfed in the clouds.  The sky around me turns white and all the cares and fears of my world disappear. We call this silent place in the clouds the “white room” and no matter how many times you...
Skywalk Chili 4 Review

Skywalk Chili 4 Review

Spring on the Wasatch is quickly starting to change into summer, so I thought now might be a good time to pause, catch my breath and put together some quick thoughts regarding the new Chili 4 from Skywalk. Before I dive in too deep here, it is important to understand...